.:I designed a Mantra Card:.

16th of July, 2019

For the past couple months I’ve been working with the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation. This foundation provides support to families who are dealing with Spinal Muscular Atrophy as well as funds research that led to a treatment and a groundbreaking potential cure for SMA. To learn more about the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation and SMA visit their site here.

To view the portfolio of work I’ve created for them, click here.

The work I’ve been doing for them has be equally challenging as it has rewarding. I’m extremely happy with the outcome so far and so are they.

I wanted to take a moment to share a Mantra Card I designed for them. This Mantra Card too endless hours and it was a true game of tetris. I was absolutely meticulous with my spacing and alignment to a point of gaining an eye ache. After many renditions we finally accomplished what we set out to create and I am thrilled with the result.

Chelsea Willett

I currently work remotely from a yurt in the mountains of Santa Barbara. I fell in love with remote work before I fell in love with design. I was always and artist but wanted collaboration with people. Life as an artist 100% of the time was lonely and also beautiful.

I began designing in 2013 under Chelsea Willett Designs working on building my design portfolio. Finally in early 2018, I fully launched Chelsea Willett Designs and took the plunge after an advanced business course and feeling like if I didn’t do it now, I would regret it forever.

There are endless rewards in owning my own business but one of my favorites is working remotely and traveling. I spend my free time practicing yoga and playing in nature as much as possible. I try to spend a few months each year on the road and many weekends hiking, camping and filling my inspiration cup with the world around me.

Now as a Designer I work with a lot of fresh entrepreneurs and am absolutely in love with watching them grow and flourish. I consider myself a Renaissance woman (thank you Leonardo da Vinci - my hero) with what I am able to create and the skill set I hold.

I love Squarespace and the amount of beauty I’ve been able to add to others’ lives through this platform.