From Side Hustle to Full Time Entrepreneur

9th of January, 2020

How I did it and kept up the momentum…

If you’re anything like me, expressing creatively is what keeps me alive. It only made sense to pursue creative ventures. I had started working for other people when I was 16 and I didn’t launch my business until I was 33 and now I wish I had done it sooner. I also believe in divine timing and the mere fact that I had some more shit to work through.

My first professional creative position was at Trader Joe’s as their Artist/Muralist in 2002. This position consisted of creating their signs for all products, creating the end cap chalk boards, and painting the permanent murals on the walls. I worked here for almost 7 years traveling to new stores that had artist openings. During this time I was also painting murals in local businesses and holding regular art shows. Now I know this sounds glamorous and some of you might be asking “why did this end” and at the time there were glamorous moments. My time at Trader Joe’s was exceptionally special but as the company grew, they began to change the way they did things which of course affected the art department. This is also when I began learning that I just didn’t like working for other people. I could do it and put my all in but there was a part of me that felt slightly empty doing it. I also didn’t fully trust my ability to be a full time muralist/artist at the time so I didn’t make the jump.

Life changed and I began working in the service industy and continued to do art on the side. My side hustle. I had a lot of great times in the service industry and made a lot of money but it was soul sucking for me. It began to wear on me in ways that were affecting my ability to interact with humans the way I wanted to in the world. Again, I didn’t make the jump into art because I didn’t trust that I would make the same or more than I was at the time.

I then had an accident and broke my knee which required me to stay off my leg. I needed surgery and everything. I applied for school. I had been teaching myself Graphic Design for the 2 years prior and had a pretty good understanding of the design programs so it was the perfect opportunity. School saved my life. It not only allowed me to gain a degree in something I loved but it helped me survive being basically non-active for a little over a year.

Near the end of my degree I began gaining clients for Graphic Design and building my portfolio. I continued this for 4 years before jumping. My job at the time was bartending and I was feelng soul sucked and purposeless. I had fed myself all the reasons it could be beneficial to bartend and I still concluded with wanting to end that career. At this time I knew deep in my soul that I didn’t want to work for other people anymore.

During these four years I built a Fuck You Fund. This is basically a savings account that can help float you while you launch a business. I saved 6 months worth just in case and kept telling myself that the worse that could happen is I have to get a part time job again.

SO I LAUNCHED. At first I launched Art as my main focus with a whisper of design. People knew I was designing but I had to give my art a chance because it had been nagging at me for 15+ years. I spent the next 6-7 months running around making art and doing various pop up markets. Most of them were profitable but not as much as I needed. It was clear that my overall output was much more than what I was getting back. I don’t regret a second of it though. I also continued to grow my design side of the business.

Over the course of the first year I ended up changing things a lot. I began the business very broadly with a focus on all of my creative talent. As a multi-talented human I DEEPLY struggled with focusing on one area. I found that I liked exchanging money with design more than art. I loved creating art so much that I didn’t want anyone else to control how I did it. The more time that passed the more I was able to see what I loved doing the most in design and where I did my best work. Slowly, I began to focus on a niche.

Now, my niche is Branding and Website and most of the time they go hand in hand. It’s been a long road with a lot of ups and downs. I can’t stress enough how important that Fuck You Fund has been. I also know that I can’t do this without the support of the community, mentors, coaches and nature. SELF CARE is HUGE. Like HUGE. More on that later in my next blog post…

Jumping off a cliff is powerful. It creates energy and momentum. I recommend it as long as you are prepared with your parachute.

I now offer consulting and coaching in a few different areas, but in starting your own business specifically; I can help.

Chelsea Willett

I currently work remotely from a yurt in the mountains of Santa Barbara. I fell in love with remote work before I fell in love with design. I was always and artist but wanted collaboration with people. Life as an artist 100% of the time was lonely and also beautiful.

I began designing in 2013 under Chelsea Willett Designs working on building my design portfolio. Finally in early 2018, I fully launched Chelsea Willett Designs and took the plunge after an advanced business course and feeling like if I didn’t do it now, I would regret it forever.

There are endless rewards in owning my own business but one of my favorites is working remotely and traveling. I spend my free time practicing yoga and playing in nature as much as possible. I try to spend a few months each year on the road and many weekends hiking, camping and filling my inspiration cup with the world around me.

Now as a Designer I work with a lot of fresh entrepreneurs and am absolutely in love with watching them grow and flourish. I consider myself a Renaissance woman (thank you Leonardo da Vinci - my hero) with what I am able to create and the skill set I hold.

I love Squarespace and the amount of beauty I’ve been able to add to others’ lives through this platform.